Lời giới thiệu của Sử Gia Bill Laurie về cuốn Remembering the ARVN
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Two books of inestimable value, by Do Van Phuc (Michael Do). Michael Do was an infantry officer in the Republic of Viet Nam Armed Forces. Following Hanoi’s conquest, he was imprisoned for ten years (the subject of the second book below, Depths of Hell.
The first book, Remembering the ARVN simply a masterpiece, a work of dedication and passion. Its more than 200 pages have scores upon scores photographs of insignia, patches, weapons, uniforms, photographs from the period, etc. that cannot be found in any other book. It is simply astounding. The book can be ordered through the author or Amazon. This is an exceptional piece of history. Tell others. You’ll not see anything like this again. High-quality printing, paper, binding.
Second book: The Depths of Hell. Here is the second book, also available from Amazon or other outlets. Teachers in high schools and college professors should be made to read this book before they teach another class.
Bill Laurie